Three Powerful Mindset Shifts to Combat Pharmacist Burnout
Burnout, Mindset Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS Burnout, Mindset Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS

Three Powerful Mindset Shifts to Combat Pharmacist Burnout

Burnout is a common issue among pharmacists, fueled by long hours, high stress, and the demanding nature of the profession. To combat burnout, it's essential to adopt new perspectives that can alleviate the mental and emotional strain. Here are three crucial mindset shifts that can help pharmacists break free from burnout: recognizing your worth beyond your work, understanding that boundaries aren't bad, and accepting that you are only one person and cannot do the work of more than one.

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If I were starting a pharmacy residency now, here is what I would do first to prevent burnout
Burnout, Project Management, Systems, Pharmacy Residency Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS Burnout, Project Management, Systems, Pharmacy Residency Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS

If I were starting a pharmacy residency now, here is what I would do first to prevent burnout

Burnout is a complex topic. There are many ways to address it and prevent it, but today I want to talk about the very first thing I would do if I were starting a pharmacy residency right now. This was something I implemented in the second quarter of my residency, but would have saved me so much time and stress if I had implemented it sooner. That thing is an effective project management system.

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