10 Mantras to Help with Imposter Syndrome
Imposter Syndrome happens to everyone. That feeling that you aren’t qualified enough or good enough is natural and human, but that doesn’t make it any less difficult to experience. Mantras aren’t a magical cure to fix imposter syndrome. I know that. However, when used correctly they can help you in the moment you need them. That’s why I am sharing 10 of my favorite mantra to help you with imposter syndrome and exactly how to use them. I’ve used these to help me overcome feelings of imposter syndrome throughout my pharmacy career so I know they can help you too! If you need these on a moments notice, not to worry. I created a free download with all the mantras so you literally keep them in your back pocket! Download all the mantras here.
“I am doing my best.”
This is a great reminder when you are on a difficult rotation or maybe receiving feedback from others that makes you feel like you aren’t doing a good enough job. You only have so many hours in a day. You are only one person. Healthcare workers are often asked to do far more work than they have hours in a day, let only during our shift. If you are doing your best with the resources you have, you are exactly where you need to be even if you don’t feel like you are.
“I am not alone in feeling this way.”
One of the biggest lies you can tell yourself when experiencing imposter syndrome is that no one else feels the same way. You look around and think everyone else knows what they are doing and you are the only one who feel lost. It’s just not true. If you asked your closest friends in pharmacy I am sure many of them are experiencing imposter syndrome, especially those who are in the beginning of their career, feel the same way. If nothing else, I still have moments where I feel like I am not qualified or good enough so that is at least one other person who is going through this with you!
“I am allowed to feel proud of my achievements.”
Your achievements, no matter how big or small, deserve to be celebrated. Maybe you did your first solo patient counseling or managed to survive your first night shift. Those are wins. You are doing the dang thing! Being proud of your achievements doesn’t mean you don’t want to improve; in fact, it is quite the opposite. It means you are acknowledging the steps you are taking to reach your goals rather than only focusing on the destination. Your career is a journey, make sure you look out the window every once in a while to enjoy the view.
“My hard work and dedication will pay off.”
I love reminding students and new practitioners that your first pharmacist job doesn’t have to be your last pharmacist job. You are working incredibly hard, I know that. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always mean your dream job is going to be waiting for you right when you finish pharmacy school or residency. Your hard work will pay off, it just may not pay off on your imagined timeline and that’s okay (and perfectly normal). Use any opportunities you do take, as steps toward your dream job…even if that job turns out to be very different than the one you imagined yourself in during pharmacy school.
“I have valuable skills and knowledge to contribute.”
No matter where you are in your pharmacy career, you have something to contribute to the team. In the beginning it won’t be your clinical knowledge, but maybe it's your organization or time management skill. You might be great at simplifying difficult concepts which can be incredibly helpful for patients. Don’t underestimate the power of your non-clinical skills. Once you do have a decent amount of knowledge under your belt, know that it is powerful, even if you do need to go back to your resources to fill in some gaps.
“My worth is not defined by my job or career.”
This one may be the most important mantra on this list. It is for me. After dedicating years of my life to training for this career, it took me a while once I had finished pharmacy school and residency to figure out who I was outside of pharmacy. Reminding yourself that if you could no longer be a pharmacist you would still be worthy of love and respect is important. You are worthy for simply existing. It is not attached to your achievements in your career.
“I am capable of handling any challenges that come my way.”
Humans are resilient. Our species wouldn’t have survived this long if we weren’t. The truth is, we are all capable of things we never imagined. Sometimes I look back at certain stages in my career and think “How in the world did I make it through that!?” I don’t have the answer to how I did it other than I didn’t give myself another option. No matter what, you are capable of doing hard things!
“I am allowed to ask for help and support.”
Give yourself permission to be a beginner. You won’t know everything even years and years into your career. You will need help and collaboration to give your patients the best outcome possible. Ultimately, we are in healthcare to help people. Asking for help so we can achieve that goal is always a good choice despite how scary it can feel in the moment.
“I am here for a reason.”
I truly believe that we all have multiple purposes in life. We go through different seasons throughout our lives. We meet new people and have experiences that shape who we are. In most situations, you can find a positive reason for the adversity you do face in your career. That bad preceptor…they taught you how you didn’t want to teach your future students. The job you hate…it is helping you build your resume for a job you love. Leverage wherever you are to get you where you need to go.
“I am not defined by my failures.”
We all fail. Those failures don’t define us, but what we do in response to them does. Some of my biggest failures have put me on the path of my greatest successes. Happy Pharm Life wouldn’t exist without failure and it has given me some of the best friends and opportunities in my career. Don’t let your failures stop you from the goal on the other side. Instead, let those failures turn into your greatest success story.
There you have it, 10 mantras to help you with imposter syndrome. Make sure you download the entire list of mantras using the form below!