How to Reduce Your Risk of Burnout in Just 7 Minutes

In this video podcast episode, I discuss a research article titled "Gratitude at Work: Prospective Cohort Study of a Web-Based, Single-Exposure Well-Being Intervention for Health Care Workers" written by burnout researchers from Duke University. The study aimed to examine the impact of writing a gratitude letter for only 7 minutes on subjective happiness, work-life balance, and emotional exhaustion among 1575 healthcare workers. The participants were assigned to complete the letter using one of two prompts.

The the study results revealed that over 75% of the participants found it easier to think of things to be grateful for after writing the letter and a few other results that I am only sharing in the full episode. Long story short, taking 7 minutes out of your week to express gratitude through a letter to someone who has impacted your life and improved your wellbeing can have significant benefits for your own well-being and resilience.

Watch the full episode on your favorite podcasting platform:

Episode Resources:

  • Gratitude at Work Article

  • Burnout Signs Checklist

  • Maslach Burnout Toolkit (Learn your emotional exhaustion and burnout scores)

  • Gratitude Letter Writing Prompt:

    • Think of someone who has done something amazing for you; this person can be alive or no longer with us. This person contributed to your well-being in a big way. Spend the next 7 minutes writing a genuine, kind and appreciative 2-part note:

      • Self-focus condition:

        • Part 1:Tell this person what they did, how it impacted you, and the benefits you received.

        • Part 2: Tell this person why it was important to you.

      • Other-focus condition:

        • Part 1: Tell this person what they did, how it impacted you, how it made you feel, and why it was important to you.

        • Part 2: Tell this person what it says about them, that they did this amazing thing for you. You might include what this says about your relationship to this person

Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS

I’m an investigational drug service clinical pharmacist specialist, a board certified pediatric pharmacy specialist, and a pharmacy preceptor, but I’m also a content creator, a wife, a cat and bird momma, and multi-passionate human being! (seriously, ask me about the geysers of Yellowstone or how NASA is sending humans back to the moon!)

I discovered that pharmacy could give me a lot in life, but it couldn’t give me a happy life on its own so I created a life I love and I am helping you do the same.

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