5 Ways to Reduce Stress During Your Shift at the Pharmacy

Working in a pharmacy can often feel like navigating through a storm of prescriptions, inquiries, and time-sensitive tasks. Whether you're a pharmacist, a technician, an intern, or a resident, the demands of the job can quickly lead to stress and overwhelm. But don’t worry, in this blog post, I’ll share five effective practices that can help you manage stress and maintain your composure during those challenging shifts. By incorporating these strategies into your rough shifts, you'll be better equipped to go through your workday with a sense of calm and control.

1. Relaxing Breathing Techniques

When stress starts to build, take a moment to try some relaxation breathing techniques. Box breathing, a technique used by Navy SEALs, involves inhaling for four counts, holding for four, exhaling for four, and holding again for four. It can be used to calm your mind. Alternatively, try belly breathing, which involves taking deep breaths that fill your belly. These techniques can help soothe your nervous system and restore focus.

2. Rest During Lunch

Resist the urge to work through your lunch break. Use this time to step away from your workstation, savor your meal, and recharge. A brief escape from your responsibilities can do wonders for your mental well-being. Instead of succumbing to the endless scroll of social media, use your breaks to read, listen to music, or take short walk. Stepping away from screens and engaging in mindful activities can re-energize you and give you a sense of calm.

3. Change of Scenery

When stress becomes overwhelming, step outside for a breath of fresh air. Walking around the block or even just stepping into a different room can provide a mental reset. Even if you just take a bathroom break or grab a cup of coffee. Combine this with breathing exercises for an extra boost.

4. Incorporate Fun into Work

Injecting fun elements into your work environment can make even the toughest days more bearable. Consider introducing a "screaming goat button" for a laugh or including memes in huddle emails. Themed carry-ins can also provide a light-hearted incentive to look forward to. If you want to learn more, check out the book Do It Well, Make It Fun.

5. Positive Affirmations

Develop a set of positive affirmations that resonate with you. Repeating phrases like "Everything is figureoutable" or "This is a great learning opportunity" can help reframe your mindset and shift your focus from stress to empowerment.

Pharmacy work doesn't have to be synonymous with stress. By integrating these five practical strategies into your work day routine, you can transform your workdays into more manageable and enjoyable experiences. Remember, it's important to not only manage stress during your shift but also to have a plan for self-care once you're off the clock. If you are looking for easy ways to incorporate more self-care into your life, grab my free self-care ebook here.

While challenging shifts are an inevitable part of working in pharmacy, but with these strategies, you'll be better equipped to tackle them head-on and emerge stronger, calmer, and more resilient. Here's to a happier and less stressful pharmacy experience!

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Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS

I’m an investigational drug service clinical pharmacist specialist, a board certified pediatric pharmacy specialist, and a pharmacy preceptor, but I’m also a content creator, a wife, a cat and bird momma, and multi-passionate human being! (seriously, ask me about the geysers of Yellowstone or how NASA is sending humans back to the moon!)

I discovered that pharmacy could give me a lot in life, but it couldn’t give me a happy life on its own so I created a life I love and I am helping you do the same.

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