New Pharmacist, Pharmacy Residency, Pharmacy Career Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS New Pharmacist, Pharmacy Residency, Pharmacy Career Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS

5 Things To Do After You Match at a Pharmacy Residency

As you absorb the news of your match, you may find yourself contemplating the next steps in your journey. Transitioning from the anticipation of match day to planning for the upcoming months before your residency starts is a crucial period. With the months ahead of you, it’s wise to use this time to equip yourself for the demanding year or two awaiting you. To help pave the way for a successful pharmacy residency, here are five essential steps that all incoming residents should prioritize.

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Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS

Navigating Personnel Placement Service (PPS) at ASHP Midyear with Dr. Micaela Hayes

PPS or the Personnel Placement Service could be a game changer for your pharmacy career, but what exactly is PPS? How should you prepare? Is it really worth the cost? Dr. Micaela Hayes and I dive into navigating the PPS process at ASHP Midyear so you are ready to make the most out of your ASHP Midyear experience!

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Pharmacy Residency Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS Pharmacy Residency Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS

Pharmacy Residency Survival Guide: Co-Resident Edition

Completing a pharmacy residency comes with it’s own set of unique challenges. You may need to move across the country, spend time away from loved ones, and experience some of the most challenging work hours you’ve ever encountered. Another challenge that many residents face is building relationships with their co-residents. Whether you have one co-resident or one dozen co-residents, this episode is designed to help you set realistic expectations surrounding your relationship with your co-residents.

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Imposter Syndrome, New Pharmacist, Pharmacy Residency, Pharmacy School Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS Imposter Syndrome, New Pharmacist, Pharmacy Residency, Pharmacy School Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS

What a Sandwich Taught Me About Confidence

There was a time in my life, however, when his words would have bothered me a lot more than they did that day. In fact, there was a time in the not-so-distant past where I wouldn’t have considered eating a meal by myself. My confidence has grown and so have I. Which is why I want to share 3 things I’ve learned about confidence since making it a priority in my life.

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Burnout, New Pharmacist, Pharmacy Residency, Pharmacy School Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS Burnout, New Pharmacist, Pharmacy Residency, Pharmacy School Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS

5 Ways to Reduce Stress During Your Shift at the Pharmacy

Working in a pharmacy can often feel like navigating through a storm of prescriptions, inquiries, and time-sensitive tasks. Whether you're a pharmacist, a technician, an intern, or a resident, the demands of the job can quickly lead to stress and overwhelm. By incorporating these stress-relieving strategies into your rough shifts, you'll be better equipped to go through your workday with a sense of calm and control.

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Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS

Beyond Resilience: Analyzing the Impact of Pharmacy Residency Program Structure on Burnout

As a whole, pharmacy residents are incredibly resilient. If they weren't, it is unlikely that they would have made it through pharmacy school and the residency match process. With the results of a 2018 survey of pharmacy residents showing that 39.9% had symptoms of moderate to severe depression during residency (over 3 times the rate of the general population of the same age), it is safe to say that something needs to be done, but what?

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