Patient Care, New Pharmacist, Pharmacy Career Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS Patient Care, New Pharmacist, Pharmacy Career Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS

What Kate Middleton’s Cancer Diagnosis Can Teach Us About Patient Care

It turns out, while the world was speculating and spreading conspiracy theories, Kate Middleton was dealing with a cancer diagnosis. As a mother and a public figure she had to balance sharing this sensitive situation with her children, but also the world. While most patients don’t have to cope with a difficult diagnosis in the eyes of media, there are lessons that can be learned about how we can improve patient care for those who receive a similar diagnosis

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New Pharmacist, Pharmacy Residency, Pharmacy Career Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS New Pharmacist, Pharmacy Residency, Pharmacy Career Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS

5 Things To Do After You Match at a Pharmacy Residency

As you absorb the news of your match, you may find yourself contemplating the next steps in your journey. Transitioning from the anticipation of match day to planning for the upcoming months before your residency starts is a crucial period. With the months ahead of you, it’s wise to use this time to equip yourself for the demanding year or two awaiting you. To help pave the way for a successful pharmacy residency, here are five essential steps that all incoming residents should prioritize.

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Pharmacy Career, Burnout, New Pharmacist Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS Pharmacy Career, Burnout, New Pharmacist Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS

Empowering Women in Pharmacy: A Journey Through History and a Path Forward with Dr. Carlene Link

Women have been involved in pharmacy since they were called apothecaries, but as the profession transitioned into modern medicine, women were left behind. It wasn’t until the mid to late 1800s that women were being recognized as pharmacists. In this special episode for Women Pharmacists Day, Dr. Carlene Link and I discuss the current state of women in pharmacy, our experience as women pharmacists, and our predictions for the future of pharmacy.

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New Pharmacist, Board Certification Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS New Pharmacist, Board Certification Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS

The Pharmacist’s Guide to Board Certification: Pros and Cons

Join me as I dive into the world of board certification in pharmacy specialties. If you're a recent pharmacy graduate, in a residency, or within two years of graduation, this is just for you.

Discover the pros and cons, gain insights on making the right choice, and get ready for a deeper dive into this important career decision.

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How to Boost Your Clinical Confidence in Just 30 Days

Graduating from pharmacy school is a significant accomplishment, but the journey of learning doesn't end there. The transition into real-world practice can often lead to a lack of confidence, even after completing additional training such as residency. I'm excited to share with you the number one strategy that can improve your clinical confidence in the next 30 days and I am breaking it down step-by-step.

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Imposter Syndrome, New Pharmacist, Pharmacy Residency, Pharmacy School Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS Imposter Syndrome, New Pharmacist, Pharmacy Residency, Pharmacy School Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS

What a Sandwich Taught Me About Confidence

There was a time in my life, however, when his words would have bothered me a lot more than they did that day. In fact, there was a time in the not-so-distant past where I wouldn’t have considered eating a meal by myself. My confidence has grown and so have I. Which is why I want to share 3 things I’ve learned about confidence since making it a priority in my life.

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Pharmacy School, New Pharmacist, Pharmacy Residency Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS Pharmacy School, New Pharmacist, Pharmacy Residency Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS

Why You Should Start a Personal Brand as a Pharmacist

Through my 4.5-year journey with Happy Pharm Life, I've experienced incredible opportunities, from speaking at pharmacy conferences to going on a behind-the-scenes experience with NASA, thanks to my personal brand. So let’s explore why building your personal brand matters, even if you're not into social media.

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Burnout, New Pharmacist, Pharmacy Residency, Pharmacy School Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS Burnout, New Pharmacist, Pharmacy Residency, Pharmacy School Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS

5 Ways to Reduce Stress During Your Shift at the Pharmacy

Working in a pharmacy can often feel like navigating through a storm of prescriptions, inquiries, and time-sensitive tasks. Whether you're a pharmacist, a technician, an intern, or a resident, the demands of the job can quickly lead to stress and overwhelm. By incorporating these stress-relieving strategies into your rough shifts, you'll be better equipped to go through your workday with a sense of calm and control.

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Pharmacy Residency, New Pharmacist Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS Pharmacy Residency, New Pharmacist Sierra Richard, PharmD, BCPPS

Mistakes I Made as New Pharmacist (and what I would do differently)

Being a new pharmacist isn’t easy…not only are you trying to pass your board exams, but you may be moving to a new city on top of learning how you want to show up as a pharmacist. Let’s not forget the fact that you will have more free time once those board exams are out of the way and you have to figure out what do to with it after putting your hobbies and passions outside of pharmacy on the back burner for the past several years. It wasn’t that long ago I was in the same position trying to navigate the world as a new pharmacy graduate so today, I thought I would share some of the things I would do differently if I were graduating today.

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