Empowering Women in Pharmacy: A Journey Through History and a Path Forward with Dr. Carlene Link
Women have been involved in pharmacy since they were called apothecaries, but as the profession transitioned into modern medicine, women were left behind. It wasn’t until the mid to late 1800s that women were being recognized as pharmacists. In this special episode for Women Pharmacists Day, Dr. Carlene Link and I discuss the current state of women in pharmacy, our experience as women pharmacists, and our predictions for the future of pharmacy.
Pharmacist Walkouts: How did we get here?
The pharmacy profession is at a pivotal crossroads, where decisions made today will have far-reaching consequences. To comprehend this juncture, let's briefly journey through its history.
Prescription for Burnout: 3 Overlooked Causes of Pharmacist Burnout
Burnout is multifactorial. We know that there are many causes of burnout that are all intertwined in a messy web. Some of these causes like staff shortages get a lot of attention, as they should, but that doesn't mean there aren't other factors that can increase your risk of burnout as well.
3 Lessons I Learned from Experiencing Burnout as a Pharmacist
If there is one thing I have learned about pharmacists in my 12 years in the profession, it's that pharmacists are great at prioritizing patient needs over their own health.
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